#5618 	From: VRA Inc
Date: Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:22 pm
Subject: Volunteers needed in final push for Easter Bunny Train 	

Members of the VRA and Tri-State,

We're in the final days of preparation for the Easter Bunny trips. The next few
days are going to be extremely busy, not counting the trips themselves.

We are still in need of people who can play characters. We have a spot open for
the 4th character, and the need for an Easter Bunny on Saturday. if you or anyone
you know would like to play the part of a character, please let us know.

Also, we need help at the station tomorrow night, from 6-9pm for people who will
be calling to ask questions, and possibly ordering tickets via the phone. If you
can help out, again please contact us.

Volunteers needed in final push for Easter Bunny Train